All-In-One Security release v5.3.4: New feature – HTTP auth protection and improved Cloudflare cache compatibility (free version)
Version 5.3.4 brings you a new layer of protection for your WordPress dashboard. With this feature you can quickly set up HTTP authentication without having

All-In-One Security release v5.3.3: New feature – WooCommerce guest checkout CAPTCHA (free version)
With this latest release, you now have the ability to use CAPTCHA on the WooCommerce classic guest checkout page. Once activated, this significantly reduces the

All-In-One Security Free Release v5.3.1: CAPTCHA for Password-Protected Pages/Posts
In this release, we’ve introduced a new feature that enhances security for your WordPress site: CAPTCHA for pages and posts. With our new CAPTCHA integration,

What to do if your WordPress site is blacklisted by Google
What to do if your WordPress site is blacklisted by Google So, your website was recently added to the Google blacklist. The bad news is

How to detect malware on your WordPress site
In many ways, WordPress is a victim of its own popularity, with the widespread use of the platform making it a prime target for hackers.

WordPress security audit checklist
Ensuring your WordPress website’s security is vital for protecting sensitive data, keeping customer trust, and safeguarding your online business. A secure site defends against unauthorised

What to do if your WordPress site is hacked
Has your WordPress site been hacked, and you don’t know what to do next? WordPress powers millions of websites worldwide due to its flexibility, scalability,

All-In-One Security Premium Release 1.0.4: AIOS adds adds IP lookup function and fixes XSS Security vulnerability
The latest release from AIOS includes a new IP lookup function that will help developers identify suspicious activity such as password resets. Our new IP

All-In-One Security Release 5.2.6: AIOS adds more UX features and fixes 2 vulnerabilities to CSRF and XSS functionalities
In our latest update, we’ve made several enhancements to AIOS. These additions make AIOS easier to use, and give you more control over your WordPress

All-In-One Security (AIOS) Release 5.2.5: UI Improvements
The new release from AIOS has improved key features of the UI, leading to a smoother experience and a more intuitive, easy to use interface

WP-CLI for AIOS: Security from the WordPress Command Line
The latest release of AIOS makes it easier for you to work with the plugin by releasing a set of commands you can enter directly

All-In-One Security (AIOS) release 5.2.2: Whitelist IP addresses
The new release from AIOS allows for greater control over the plugin’s firewall settings. The latest release from AIOS introduces an important feature that allows